Django debug toolbar


All the extra features provided by this lib were contributed and merged directly into the official strawberry-graphql-django lib. Since then this lib is deprecated and the official integration should be used instead.

If you were using this lib before, check out the migration guide for more information on how to migrate your code.


Since version 3.0.0 this feature was removed from this lib due to it being merged on strawberry-graphql-django, and should now be used from there. Check its docs for more information.

This integration provides integration between the Django Debug Toolbar and strawberry, allowing it to display stats like SQL Queries, CPU Time, Cache Hits, etc for queries and mutations done inside the graphiql page.

To use it, make sure you have the Django Debug Toolbar installed and configured, then change its middleware settings from:




Finally, ensure app "strawberry_django_plus" is added to your INSTALLED_APPS in Django settings.