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Migration guide

Migrating to Strawberry Django

All the extra features provided by this lib were contributed and merged directly into the official strawberry-graphql-django lib. Since then this lib is deprecated and the official integration should be used instead.

Follow these steps to migrate your existing code:

1) Required dependencies

Make sure you have strawberry-graphql-django>=0.10.0 in your dependencies. After the migration is complete you can safely remove strawberry-django-plus from them.

2) Replace your gql.* aliases

The gql.* alias should be replaces by their correct counterpart. For example:

  • gql.type -> strawberry.type
  • gql.field -> strawberry.field
  • gql.django.type -> strawberry.django.type (or strawberry_django.type)
  • gql.django.field -> strawberry.django.field (or strawberry_django.field)

3) Relay API adjustments

The relay integration was from v3.0 in this lib was ported "as is" to strawberry django, meaning that the gql.* step adjustment will also adjust the relay APIs.

In case you are migrating from v2.x, check the v3.0.0 migration guide below. You don't need to upgrade to v3.0.0 first, but you can use it to help adjusting your relay code.

If you were not using the relay integration, you can skip this step.

4) Mutation API adjustments

There are some differences to be aware for the mutations API:

  1. strawberry_django.mutation and strawberry_django.input_mutation changed the handle_django_errors argument default value from True to False. If you want the old behaviour for all mutations without having to modify the argument by hand, you can set the "MUTATIONS_DEFAULT_HANDLE_ERRORS": True in your strawberry django settings
  2. CUD mutations are now based on strawberry django's ones. You should rename your create_mutation/update_mutation/delete_mutation calls to create/update/delete respectively.
  3. CUD mutations from strawberry django define the input field argument's name to data by default. You can change it to input (this lib's argument name) by passing argument_name="input" to the mutation. If you want that name for all mutations regardless, you can set the "MUTATIONS_DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_NAME": "input" in your strawberry django settings

5) Permissions refactored to use Field Extensions

Permission checking used to require including a "Schema Directive Extension" in your schema's extensions. That is not required anymore since the new implementation is based on the official "Field Extensions" support from strawberry.

Most extensions have the same name, except for HasRootPerm and HasSourcePerm that were renamed like this:

  • HasRootPerm -> HasSourcePerm
  • HasObjPerm -> HasRetvalPerm

To migrate, all you need to do is change the directive your were previously inserting in your field with the related extension. For example, the following code:

import strawberry
from strawberry_django_plus import gql
from strawberry_django_plus.permissions import IsAuthenticated, HasObjPerm
from strawberry_django_plus.directives import SchemaDirectiveExtension

class Query:
    fruit: Fruit = gql.django.field(directives=[IsAuthenticated()])
    fruit2: Fruit = gql.django.field(directives=[HasObjPerm("can_view_fruit")])

schema = strawberry.schema(

Can be migrated to:

import strawberry
from strawberry_django.permissions import IsAuthenticated, HasRetvalPerm

class Query:
    fruit: Fruit = strawberry.django.field(extensions=[IsAuthenticated()])
    fruit2: Fruit = strawberry.django.field(extensions=[HasRetvalPerm("can_view_fruit")])

schema = strawberry.schema(

6) Types/Fields description from model's docstring and field's help_text

The ability to retrieve types/fields description directly from the model's docstring and/or field's help_text is available on strawberry django, but it is an opt-in feature.

To enable those, you can set the "FIELD_DESCRIPTION_FROM_HELP_TEXT": True and "TYPE_DESCRIPTION_FROM_MODEL_DOCSTRING": True in your strawberry django settings

7) Enjoy! 😊

If you followed all those steps correctly, your code should be working just like it was before.

Be sure to check strawberry django's documentation page to know more about all the feature it provides.

Also, if you find any issues during your migration, be sure to open an issue at its repository.

Don't forget you can also reach us in our discord page.

Version 3.0.0

Debug toolbar integration moved to strawberry-graphql-django

The debug-toolbar-integration was merged on the official strawberry-graphql-django and should be used from there.

If you were using the integration before, you need to change your MIDDLEWARE settings from:




Also make sure that you have "strawberry_django" added to your INSTALLED_APPS settings.

Relay integration moved to strawberry core

The relay integration from this lib has been contributed and merged directly on strawberry core.

It works almost the same as the one in this lib with a few differences. Be sure to check the strawberry's relay docs to know more about it.

strawberry-django-plus has been updated to use that new official integration instead of the one provided by us, which has also been removed. If you were using it, there are a few adjustments that you need to do:

  • Change your relay.Connection[SomeType] annotations to either relay.ListConnection[SomeType] or gql.django.ListConnectionWithTotalCount.

relay.Connection is now an abstract class which you can inherit from it to implement your own pagination algorithm.

relay.ListConnection is a limit/offset implementation of relay.Connection that works the same way as this lib's one used to work, except for the fact that it doesn't include a totalCount field by default. For that reason we are providing a new gql.django.ListConnectionWithTotalCount which builds on top relay.ListConnection and includes a totalCount field, meaning it will actually produce the same schema and functionality as the old Connection.

  • All fields annotated with a Connection needs to define be set to a relay field, and any resolver decorated with @relay.connection should define the connection type it returns.

For example, you can migrate this code:

class Query:
    some_conn: relay.Connection[SomeType]
    some_django_conn: relay.Connection[SomeDjangoType] = gql.django.connection()

    def other_django_conn(self) -> Iterable[SomeDjangoType]:
        return SomeDjangoModel.objects.all()

By changing it to:

class Query:
    some_conn: relay.Connection[SomeType] = relay.connection(resolver=some_resolver)
    some_django_conn: relay.ListConnection[SomeDjangoType] = gql.django.connection()

    def other_django_conn(self) -> Iterable[SomeDjangoModel]:
        return SomeDjangoModel.objects.all()

Note that the other_django_conn resolver's return type don't need to be set to an Iterable[SomeDjangoType], because the connection type now is retrieved from the connection decorator. This means you can remove some useless casts for type checkers in those functions.

  • All connection fields should define a resolver

The new official integration enforces a resolver that returns an iterable/generator of items for all connection fields. This means that you either need to pass a resolver argument to relay.connection() or use it as a decorator on top of a resolver.

When using gql.django.connection(), strawberry-django-plus will create a default resolver for you in case you didn't use it as a decorator on top of one. That default resolver works the same way as before, by returning a queryset of the model's queryset (e.g. SomeDjangoModel.objects.all()).

  • All Node implemented types should define a relay.NodeID annotation

The field that will be used to generate the GlobalID value for the type is now identified by annotating it with relay.NodeID. For example:

class SomeType:
    my_id: relay.NodeID[int]

For django types, if you don't define any relay.NodeID annotation it will automatically use the model's primary key (the pk attr) as it. You can change it by annotation a different field instead. For example:

from django.db import models
from strabwerry import relay
from strawberry_django_plus import gql

class SomeDjangoModel(models.Model):
    code = models.CharField(max_length=10, unique=True)

class SomeDjangoType(relay.Node):

class SomeDjangoTypeWithCodeAsGlobalId(relay.Node):
    code: relay.NodeID[str]

In this example, will generate its value from the model's primary key, but SomeDjangoTypeWithCodeAsGlobalId will generate it from code.

Note that the field annotated as relay.NodeID is private, meaning it will not be exposed in the final schema (it is only used to generate the id).