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Quick start


All the extra features provided by this lib were contributed and merged directly into the official strawberry-graphql-django lib. Since then this lib is deprecated and the official integration should be used instead.

If you were using this lib before, check out the migration guide for more information on how to migrate your code.


Since this lib has a long name, it does provide a shortcut called gql where all of strawberry's API and ours can be accessed.

from strawberry_django_plus import gql

# All strawberry's base api can be found directly on gql, like:
gql.type  # same as strawberry.type
gql.field  # same as strawberry.field

# The strawberry-django API and our custom implementation can be found on gql.django, like:

# We also have a custom relay implementation in here:

How To

Django Choices Enums

Convert choices fields into GraphQL enums by using Django Choices Field extension.

from django_choices_field import TexChoicesField

class Song(models.Model):
    class Genre(models.TextChoices):
        ROCK = "rock", "Rock'n'Roll"
        METAL = "metal", "Metal"
        OTHERS = "others", "Who Cares?"

    genre = TextChoicesField(choices_enum=Genre)

In that example, a new enum called Genre will be created and be used for queries and mutations.

If you want to name it differently, decorate the class with @gql.enum with your preferred name so that this lib will not try to register it again.

Standard django choices enums

Convert standard django choices fields into GraphQL enums by dynamically creating an Enum class based on choices This feature can be enable by defining STRAWBERRY_DJANGO_GENERATE_ENUMS_FROM_CHOICES setting to True

class Song(models.Model):
        ("rock", "Rock'n'Roll"),
        ("metal", "Metal"),
        ("others", "Who Cares?"),

    genre = models.CharField(choices=GENRE_CHOICES)

In that example, a new enum called MyAppSongGenreEnum will be dynamically created and be used for queries and mutations.

Have in mind that this approach don't let you re-use the dynamically created enum elsewhere.

Permissioned resolvers

Permissioning is done using schema directives by applying them to the fields that requires permission checking.

For example:

class SomeType:
    login_required_field: RetType = strawberry.field(
        # will check if the user is authenticated
    perm_required_field: OtherType = strawberry.field(
        # will check if the user has `"some_app.some_perm"` permission
    obj_perm_required_field: OtherType = strawberry.field(
        # will check the permission for the resolved value

Available options are:

  • IsAuthenticated: Checks if the user is authenticated (user.is_autenticated)
  • IsStaff: Checks if the user is a staff member (user.is_staff)
  • IsSuperuser: Checks if the user is a superuser (user.is_superuser)
  • HasPerm(perms: str, list[str], any: bool = True): Checks if the user has any or all of the given permissions (user.has_perm(perm))
  • HasRootPerm(perms: str | list[str], any: bool = True): Checks if the user has any or all of the given permissions for the root of that field (user.has_perm(perm, root))
  • HasObjPerm(perms: str | list[str], any: bool = True): Resolves the retval and then checks if the user has any or all of the given permissions for that specific value (user.has_perm(perm, retval)). Note that if the return value is a list, this directive will filter the return value, removing objects that fails the check (check below for more information regarding other possibilities).

There are some important notes regarding how the directives handle the return value:

  • If the user passes the check, the retval is returned normally
  • If the user fails the check:
  • If the return type was Optional, it returns None
  • If the return type was a List, it returns an empty list
  • If the return type was a relay Connection, it returns an empty Connection
  • If the field is a union with types.OperationInfo or types.OperationMessage, that type is returned with a kind of PERMISSION, explaining why the user doesn't have permission to resolve that field.
  • Otherwise, it raises a PermissionError for that resolver, which will be available at the result's errors field.

Note that since strawberry doesn't support resolvers for schema directives, it is necessary to use this lib's custom extension that handles the resolution of those and any other custom defined schema directive inherited from strawberry_django_plus.directives.SchemaDirectiveResolver:

import strawberry
from strawberry_django_plus.directives import SchemaDirectiveExtension

schema = strawberry.Schema(
        # other extensions...

Relay Support


Since version 3.0.0 the relay integration from this lib has been contributed and merged directly on strawberry core. Check its docs for more information on how to use it and/or the migration guide to know how to migrate your code from the older implementation.

You can use the official strawberry relay integration directly with django types like this:

from strawberry_django_plus import gql

class Fruit(models.Model):

class FruitType(gql.relay.Node):

class Query:
    some_model_conn: gql.relay.ListConnection[FruitType] = gql.django.connection()

    def some_model_conn_with_resolver(self, root: SomeModel) -> models.QuerySet[SomeModel]:
        return SomeModel.objects.all()

In this example, some_model_conn will automatically add a resolver that returns SomeModel.objects.all() for you.

You can also define your own custom resolver like some_model_conn_with_resolver and it will be used instead. You can use this to filter the base QuerySet that will be used for pagination. Also note that you can add extra arguments in that resolver, and they will be included in the final field.

You can also define your own custom connection type to add extra fields or customize the pagination algorithm. This libs provides a custom connection type that adds an extra field to retrieve the totalCount of the connection, and can be used like this:

some_model_conn: gql.django.ListConnectionWithTotalCount[FruitType] = gql.django.connection()